Friday, February 20, 2009

I am a very busy person and am always in a state of fatigue. How can I get help?

Guinevere Amadeo, LMP
Licensed Massage Practitioner, Reflexologist
Seattle Holistic Health Examiner

Life is all about balance. First, examine the things in your life that may need to be put on the back burner. Many of us have a tendency to over-commit ourselves and in doing so, wind up not completing any of the tasks to the best of our abilities. Figure out some ways to use your time more efficiently. Set aside a specific scheduled time for certain tasks and take appropriate breaks to breathe, stretch and be present in your body. Drink plenty of water and make it a priority to get adequate sleep. Massage is a wonderful way to center and ground our minds and use the precious time we do have more effectively. By increasing your circulation and de-stressing your muscles, you are boosting you immune system and helping your body to stay healthy during the busyness of life. Bodywork can also be very stimulating, and helpful in focusing your mind and energy.

For further information, please visit

Jacob Caldwell, LMP
Medical Intuitive
Steps to Enlightenment

Being an Aquarius I can relate to this one, rest is the key, running around a lot can cause a lot of stress on your adrenals. Taking time to rest and receive a massage can rejuvenate yourself to take on more. Even God rested on the 7th day. Something I have noticed with people who do the-run-around-thing a lot is that their Strength Chakra or Solar Plexus is running to high. A common trait with these people is that they think it is all up to them and they have to do it because no one else can. With every issue there is a Chakra that is too high and a Chakra that is too low. Most of the time the Heart Chakra is too low. The Heart is about expressing your vulnerability and asking for what you need.
So if no one can hear what you want, then it will be up to you to do everything yourself. So to balance this scenario, Ask for help!.
In the end you will have more people around you to help you with what you need and as a result you will run around less and have more energy at the end of the day.

Jennifer Alexandra Short, Healer & Holistic Health Coach
Wings of Isis Healing Arts

People who are stressed out and tired can benefit from dietary changes like replacing coffee with green tea,cutting out sugars and processed carbohydrates and taking a super food supplement like Spirulina. Taking even five minutes through out the day to meditate, do a few chants and affirmations can keep us more balanced, focused and relaxed. For example I use my driving time to chant Om Mani Padme Hum, a Buddhist chant which dispels negativity and purifies the emotional body. In only a few minutes I feel calm and balanced.

Carol Walter, Certified Aromatherapist
Owner, Solace Essentials

There are many layers to your current emotional state. Though I would want to know more background about what is causing your fatigue, I can generally suggest a few good tips regarding business, the holidays and our current lack of sun.
First, take a step back from your task list, and meditate each morning on what your priorities are for the day. You probably can’t get everything done right now especially with the holidays fast approaching. However, when you decide what’s important and how you want to both share and receive joy this season, you will feel like your heart is in the right place and that the things you do accomplish are the things that are meant to be accomplished. Essential Oils that will help you focus on your purpose and priorities are oils that are also good for the Heart Chakra (help you express your compassion and focus on your self-worth) - Geranium, Ylang Ylang, Lavender and Grapefruit and for the Root Chakra (help you feel more grounded and not as spread thin) - Myrrh, Red Thyme, Ginger and Vetivert.
Second, in terms of energy, the fall season is the season that Pacific Northwesterners start to feel sad about the departure of the sun. By the winter, you may become more acclimated, but in the meantime, I’m really enjoying my Vitamin D supplements! In terms of essential oils, the following are known for their anti-depressant, energizing qualities: Lemongrass, Lime, Grapefruit, Mandarin, Sweet Orange and Lemon.
I would suggest combining as many of these oils as you feel you need in one bottle and use this on your Heart Chakra during your morning meditation - this will set your intention for the day. By focusing on your priorities, being more grounded, and getting some sun-replacement support, hopefully you will feel more energized throughout the day and content with your accomplishments!
You can get your essential oils from any Health Food Store or from Solace Essentials.

Jasson Zurilgen
C.H.E.K. Practitioner, Corrective Exercise Specialist

As a Corrective Exercise Specialist, my approach to an over-worked and fatigued client begins with an in depth assessment of the physiological stress loads, including musculoskeletal imbalances and improper breathing patterns. Identifying lifestyle factors that contribute to fatigue is the first step to diminishing these negative effects on the body. Sleeping patterns, nutrition, and general self-care are all major considerations in setting and achieving short-term goals. Developing a healthy and balanced exercise program to promote body awareness and vitality may include stretching, meditative exercises to increase chi, and simple breathing techniques.

For more information visit:,

David A. Tucker, MSAOM, L.Ac, LMP
Acupuncturist, Herbalist, Massage Therapist
The Zen of Healing

First and foremost… water, water, water! It’s a bit of a running joke with my patients. But it is truly amazing what a difference drinking the right amount of water each day (around half your body weight in ounces) can make a difference in all aspects of your health, including energy. It is one of the five-elements that makes up all things, how could getting adequate amounts of this fundamental substance not have significant effects?!

The second question I ask is, “are you getting enough exercise?” Exercise, while taking energy to do, actually can provide consistent long-term energy when done on a regular basis. Busy or not, making the time is a must!

I know the Seattle readers are going to scoff at this next point – put down the coffee (soda too)! Energetically speaking, coffee (decaf or not) is initially heating but its long-term effect is cooling, slowing us down over time. In addition, it depletes our storehouse of inherited Qi (or Essence) which is very difficult to replenish again. For more information on our Essence, refer to my recent blog post ( I’m not saying everyone should eliminate coffee, overall constitution plays a factor as well. But it should be something to consider if energy levels are low.

Also looking at your dairy and gluten intake is worth looking at, both of which create an environment of what Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) refers to as “dampness” in our meridians. Dampness can cause low energy levels, pain, mental sluggishness, etc.

Acupuncture is a wonderful way to raise energy levels and is the most common “side-effect” I hear from people’s treatment regardless of what their actual reason for coming in is. Various deficient and excess conditions from either a TCM or Five Element acupuncture perspective see fatigue as a common symptom and can be reconciled through acupuncture.

For more information, visit:

Although OMM contributors are professional healthcare providers, the information and advice published on is generalized and not intended to replace a thorough evaluation of your unique physical concerns. You should not use this information for diagnosing or treating a medical or health condition. You should consult a physician or  applicable practitioner in all matters relating to your health, and particularly in respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. Any action on your part in response to the information provided in this web site is at the reader's discretion



  1. 悉怛多缽怛囉阿門

    不淨觀(黃 DSC-T9 誠實(國自 和-T9 前 是密碼))

    搜尋標題及內容: 不淨觀
    < h3 >*修身觀─不淨觀< /h3 >
    < h3 >*三種身至念< /h3 >






















    盡,真心並日懸。欲超生死路,此觀要精研。 [img]bighug[/img]

    February 8, 2008
    < h3 >*修身觀─不淨觀< /h3 > 言自體不淨者即三十六物。一髮二毛三爪四齒五皮六肉七骨八髓九筋十脈十一脾十二腎十三心十四肝十五肺十六大腸十七小腸十八胃十九胞二十屎二十一尿二十二垢二十三汗二十四淚二十五浩二十六涕二十七唾二十八膿二十九血三十黃三十一白三十二肪三十三三十四腦三十五膜三十六精也。或論本九穴不淨名共相不淨。三十六物名自相不淨云云。又云何第五。終竟不淨者。謂是死後之九想之不淨是也云云。又云何云觀他不淨觀自不淨。答觀他身九相云觀他身不淨。問其他身九相者何。答他身九相者。一死相。二脹相。三瘀青相。四膿爛相。五壞相。六血塗相。七虫噉相。八骨鎖相。九離壞相也。









    優波尼沙陀此云塵性,以觀塵性空而得道故。譯曰近少,微細,因等微細分析至極之言也義譯為微細,極至鄰虛(新譯曰極微。色法之最極少分,鄰似虛空者,此為色法之根本 謂諸識色及定中色,無障無礙,似於虛空,而實非虛空,故名鄰虛也),立即從座位上站起來,頂禮(五體投地以吾頂禮尊者之足也)釋迦摩尼佛的腳後,向釋迦摩尼佛報告說道:觀見如來最初成道的時候。作意思惟觀想,一者觀自身之不淨,二者觀他身之不淨。觀自身不淨,有九相:一死想,二脹想,三青瘀想,四膿爛想,五壞想,六血塗想,七蟲噉想,八骨鎖想,九分散想。觀他身有五不淨:一種子不淨,是身以過去之結業為種,現以父母之精血為種。二住處不淨,在母胎不淨之處。三自相不淨,是身具有九孔,常流出唾涕大小便等不淨。四自體不淨,由三十六種之不淨物所合成。五終竟不淨,此身死竟,埋則成土,蟲噉成糞,火燒則為灰,究竟推求,無一淨相,而生起大厭離心(謂我等當觀生死之中,虛假不實,如水上泡,速起速滅,往來流轉,猶如車輪。此身眾苦所集,一切皆是不淨,甚可厭離。當以此心而行懺悔也。)。了悟一切色性。以從不淨觀白骨觀作意思惟觀想,乃至逐步微細分析微塵極至鄰虛塵,分析到最後則歸於虛空。當達到空色二者均歸於空無之境界,便成就斷三界諸惑已盡,證真諦之理,不更要學修之圓滿智慧,阿羅漢之無漏智。如來印證我名叫尼沙陀(此云塵性,以觀塵性空而得道故。譯曰近少,微細,因等微細分析至極之言也義譯為微細,極至鄰虛(新譯曰極微。色法之最極少分,鄰似虛空者,此為色法之根本 謂諸識色及定中色,無障無礙,似於虛空,而實非虛空,故名鄰虛也))。一切微塵及青黃赤白等顯色及男女形色等之染污情識既然滅盡,微妙不可思議色相周密圓融無礙遍一切處。我從作意思惟觀想分析一切色塵中,證得阿羅漢果位。佛問我們,我們最初發心證悟十八界,是以什麼圓融周遍一切處,通達無礙,為修學之所緣? 如以我所證到的而言,我認為以色塵為最上圓通。


    黑黃青白紅 赤氣攝取黑氣

  2. besides from the long list of suggestion, i have one more an all natural supplement that heals not only a particular organ but all that is needed to be healed, replenish. first it detoxify for the cells would function well as it used to be and then it helps in healing and regenerating the dying cells, see it for yourself:
