Thursday, March 25, 2010

Healthy Body, Healthy Business: Afternoon Fatigue

Question: “Healthy Body, Healthy Business: I find that I am increasingly tired in the afternoon. What can I do to boost my energy naturally?”



Fatigue is a really interesting topic as is it so multifactorial. My ears will certainly perk up, as a Chiropractor, when I hear fatigue added to a list with other symptoms such as difficulty sleeping, immune system problems, metabolism imbalance, periods of dizziness and moods swings.

What these body responses all have in common is that they are all symptoms of too much stress on your central neural processor, otherwise known as yours nervous system. Much like your computer’s hard drive, your Central Nervous System controls, regulates and stores all the body’s information. When your hard drive becomes too full of information (physical, chemical or emotional stresses), it slows down (fatigue). Eventually, if the hard drive continues on at this same pace without being cleaned up, it crashes.

Simple tests at your Chiropractors office can determine whether your hard drive is over loaded.

Dr. Jason Penaluna (Chiropractor)
Owner of Penaluna Chiropractic Studio, PS

Massage Therapy

First things first, check in with your body and your overall level of health, specifically nutrition. If you are lacking in a healthful diet, not consuming ideal amounts of water or consistently drink caffeine in the mornings, then that is a good place to start making changes. It is from food and water that we draw our sustainable energy, and a morning cup of coffee is known to create a “crash” effect in the afternoon.

Secondly, massage is a great way to increase circulation and improve body awareness, both assisting in improving overall well-being. Other ways to increase energy are to take deep, full breaths, move and stretch throughout the day and avoid heavy “comfort foods.”

Guinevere Amadeo, LMP.
Integrative Bodywork Professional
Seattle Holistic Health Examiner

Medical Intuitive

Each hour of the day is ruled by a specific organ and afternoon fatigue may be about how much water you drink today and yesterday.

The hours of 3-7p are ruled by the Element of Water. The Bladder and the Kidney Meridians.
If you have been not drinking enough water, dehydrated, or just partied too much last night your Kidney Meridian will measure very high and your Bladder Meridian will be very low. With two meridians that are next to each other in the middle of the day and the energy level must go from very low to very high…you might as well go and run 5 miles because you are almost exuding the same amount of energy to maintain such an imbalance.

Coffee and sugar and usually “helpers” here however, they may help you for the next hour but since they are even more dehydrating your evening will become even more exhausting.

Jacob Caldwell, LMP
Medical Intuitive
Tweet: JacobStps2Lght


Afternoon fatigue can be caused by many things as mentioned by the previous practitioners. Many essential oils can be very helpful in supporting your afternoon fatigue very quickly and effectively.

The mint oils create immediate awakening and freshness such as Peppermint and Spearmint. Essential Oils such as Ginger, Clove and Lemon create an energetic awakening and Eucalyptus helps aid in opening the memory cells to create a better overall work performance.

There's absolutely no reason why you cannot combine all of the above mentioned Essential Oils into a synergy that resembles the following:

Sweet Almond Oil
2 Drops Peppermint
1 Drop Ginger
1 Drop Clove or Cinnamon
1 Drop Lemon
2 Drops Eucalyptus

Add to .3 oz. roller ball bottle found at Zenith Supplies in Ravenna in Seattle, WA. Or add to blue or amber apothecary bottle with reducer cap.

Carol Walter
Owner, Solace Essentials (
"Inspirational Organic Bodycare"

Although OMM contributors are professional healthcare providers, the information and advice published on is generalized and not intended to replace a thorough evaluation of your unique physical concerns. You should not use this information for diagnosing or treating a medical or health condition. You should consult a physician or applicable practitioner in all matters relating to your health, and particularly in respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. Any action on your part in response to the information provided in this web site is at the reader's discretion.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Healthy Body, Healthy Business: Natural Migraine Solutions

Question: I have been getting headaches most of my life, from dull aches to full on migraines. I am trying to avoid prescription drugs, is there anything you can suggest to combat the episodes with holistic medicine?



There are hundreds of headache triggers but only one common reason: a change in blood flow to the cranial vault. Too much blood creates a mechanical stretching and pressure; too little blood creates malnourished and upset brain cells. However, here is a question for you: what controls the flow of blood throughout the body? THE NERVOUS SYSTEM does. That’s right, your Central Nervous System, including your brain, spinal cord and all the nerves in your body control where blood goes and how much goes there. If your nervous system becomes damaged and stressed, due to old injuries, traumas and habits, blood flow is altered and, among other things, a headache is a possible result. Simple tests at your Chiropractor’s office can detect whether you have nervous system damage that is affecting your head health.

Dr. Jason Penaluna


It's important to know what is causing the headaches. Once you know that, blending aromatherapy oils to help your body is simple. Use a dual-approach to health care. Talk to various practitioners about their diagnosis of the cause, and then it's going to be much more simple to treat the cause with natural remedies. See you Natropathic physician and then utilize aromatherapy for immediate, and intense relief and treatment. If stress is causing the migraines, a simple blend of Essential Oils to support the Adrenal Glands is appropriate. Regular use can over time help you attain homeostasis.

Carol Walter
Certified Aromatherapist

Massage Therapy

From a massage therapy perspective, there are a number of ways to address chronic headaches. Tension carried in the upper back and shoulders, neck, jaw and even feet, can cause a painful occurrence. With therapeutic massage we can release the stored stress in the body through a variety of techniques.
Reflexology works with the structures in the feet to create balance from the ground up. Deep tissue massage works on the many layers of musculature in the body, and myofascial release addresses the connective tissue on both superficial and deep levels. Each of these modalities can be extremely effective in relieving the cause of headache.

Guinevere Amadeo, LMP
Integrative Bodywork Professional
Seattle Holistic Health Examiner

Medical Intuitive

As humans when we connect to the universe there is a cord to our physical body just like a computer plugs into the internet.

Our connection to Light and Universal Information comes through the top of our aura and connects and enters into the back of our head at the top of our spine. This is where we receive our purpose and the information of what to do next.

A common theme that affects this area is people trying to dominate or control others. Examples are Parents being overbearing to their children, Armies taking control of their troops, and Cult Leaders asking for all your money.

People with control issues, due to lack of trust of themselves and others will implant physic energy on to their victims. People allowing themselves to be controlled by this do so to be accepted and appease the more dominate person.

The migraine or chronic headache occurs because the victim has been implanted on the etheric level. On the physical level they will tighten the muscles in the back of their head trying to defy being taken over. Over time the back of the neck will become very tight cutting off the blood supply to the head.

Jacob Caldwell, LMP
Medical Intuitive & Massage Therapist

Although OMM contributors are professional healthcare providers, the information and advice published on is generalized and not intended to replace a thorough evaluation of your unique physical concerns. You should not use this information for diagnosing or treating a medical or health condition. You should consult a physician or applicable practitioner in all matters relating to your health, and particularly in respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. Any action on your part in response to the information provided in this web site is at the reader's discretion.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Healthy Body, Healthy Business: Job Stress


I just lost my job. How can I reduce my anxiety about starting my own business?


Medical Intuitive

Anxiety: “I don’t know who I am & and I don’t know what I’m doing. I react to what I think everyone else wants me to do.”
Remedy: Choose and live the way you want the world to be.

Courage and Strength is what is needed in this time to establish new plans of action. Stomach, Small Intestine, and Kidneys are the physical forces that hold to the plan and enforce the action.

If one has the courage but no idea of what to do perhaps you need to take a look at “What are your Goals?” Courage and Strength need to know what the plan is so when decisions and rules are set they no how to enforce the plan.

Look at your life…what do people like about you and what is that Passion that you have always wanted to do…Perhaps it is time.

Jacob Caldwell, LMP
Medical Intuitive
Tweet: JacobStps2Lght

Massage Therapy

Therapeutic massage is a pleasurable and effective way to reduce anxiety in any difficult situation. Well known for its benefits of relaxation, massage also helps to increase circulation, boosts the immune system and assists in cultivating body awareness and balance. Since you are seemingly entering into a high-stress time of your life, massage is a wonderful way to combat the negative effects of stress and maintain health and wellness during these changes. Other preventative self-care activities include sitting and simply breathing consciously for 10 minutes a day, walking for 30 minutes a day and/or reading or participating in any stress-reducing and enjoyable activity.

Guinevere Amadeo, LMP.
Integrative Bodywork Professional Seattle Holistic Health Examiner


Anxiety has a negative and a positive effect on the body. For one, anxiety can help you become more creative and energized, but as a consequence, anxiety can tax the body and leave you with less energy in your day. Aromatherapy is extremely effective for anxiety because you will feel less stressed out, yet still excited and creative about your future and tackling what lies ahead! Essential oils that helps reduce anxiety and keep your excitement level high are essential oils for Central Nervous System (CNS) Balancing and Confidence-Boosting: Cypress, Geranium, Marjoram and Peppermint.

Blend the following mixture in a convenient bottle that you can take with you in your car or purse and apply to the place on your body where you feel the anxiety - such as your chest, abdomen, lower back, etc.

5 Cypress
3 Geranium
3 Marjoram
1 Peppermint
Fill rest of bottle with olive oil or sunflower oil - whichever is handy. Swirl around until oils combine (synergize). Use on skin anytime you feel anxious to balance you out and help you remain calm.

Carol Walter
Certified Aromatherapist: Solace Essentials (Pacific Northwest Organic Aromatherapy Bodycare for Chakra Balancing)


If you figure out how to do this, please let me know. Honestly, as a business owner myself, I really don’t think that there is a way to reduce anxiety when it comes to business ownership. However, here are a few suggestions that worked for me:

1. Stress and anxiety come from three different sources- physical, chemical and emotional- one should look at all sources of stress and do ones best to reduce as many sources as possible by making great lifestyle choices. Your health comes first! Without your health it will be very difficult to keep your energy where your business needs it to be.
2. Prepare yourself by having clearly defined goals. Visualize success and prosperity and remember, as Winston Churchill stated “Success is the ability to go from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”
3. Enjoy the ride. There will be ups and downs because that is the nature of life; however, understand that business ownership is a ride, not a destination!
4. Hire a coach. Coaches inspire you with support, advice and accountability. Tiger Woods, perhaps a bad example right now, has 7 coaches. Maybe he needed 8 J.

Yours in service,
Dr. Jason Penaluna

Craniosacral Therapy

Take one step at a time. Anxiety catches us when we let our minds go spinning off into the future and we lose sight of what is happening right here and right now. With a huge transition like that one you're going through, it's tempting to do, so start off by finding ways to stay present and focused.

What can you do to keep your focus as you plan your next step? Breathe. Stay clear. Meditate on what you want. I sometimes refer to craniosacral therapy as the “lazy man's meditation” because it launches you into an extremely relaxed state without having to work too hard at it. It transports you into a twilight state, between sleep and wakefulness, that allows ideas to be born and worries to subside. It is from this state of mind that you'll be able to keep your calm, be inspired, and think clearly about how to proceed as your build your future while keeping your feet planted firmly in the present.

Shawna Lendzion Harbin, LMP, CCSP
Massage Therapist and Certified Craniosacral Therapist
NoctiLuca Essential Wellness

Although OMM contributors are professional healthcare providers, the information and advice published on is generalized and not intended to replace a thorough evaluation of your unique physical concerns. You should not use this information for diagnosing or treating a medical or health condition. You should consult a physician or applicable practitioner in all matters relating to your health, and particularly in respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. Any action on your part in response to the information provided in this web site is at the reader's discretion.