Thursday, August 6, 2009

How do I cope with Fibromyalgia, endometriosis etc:

“I have FM, mitral valve prolapse, endometriosis, PTSD, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia...etc. Where can I find the latest on how to cope?”


Cranio Sacral therapy

When someone has several things they need to manage with their health, I tend to think that a gentle, but comprehensive approach, is a good way to offer overall support. You want to find some relief from your pain and stress without aggravating any of your current symptoms or causing more imbalance. Many forms of touch therapy, such as craniosacral therapy, can be very beneficial for this.

With craniosacral therapy we can help relieve the nervous system of some of the chaos it's experiencing, soothe the stress response, and decrease the general levels of inflammation in the body which are contributing to many of the challenges you are dealing with. Pair it with daily practice of relaxing breathing exercises and you can go far in feeling better.

Shawna Lendzion Harbin, LMP, CCSP
Massage Therapist and Certified Craniosacral Therapist
NoctiLuca Essential Wellness


Thank you so much for asking this question as it opens the door to address some very important issues involving the health of your body and, might I add, the health of your mind. First, I would like to address an interesting point about how you asked your question. Why do you feel that all you can do at this stage is just to cope? My first suggestion would be to watch the movie “The Secret” which will help you to absorb the concept of “where your mind goes your body will follow.”
Secondly, all of the things that you mentioned in your question are not diseases, they are signs; signs that your mind, body and spirit are in a state of crisis. My first instinct is to say that your body is in a chronic state of inflammation and that your blood is moving towards acidity and away from alkalinity. Our esteemed Naturopath can help you there. Then, as a Chiropractor, I am naturally inquisitive as to the state of health of your nervous system. Blood acidity causes an in-efficient and agitated nervous system. The nervous system is the master system of the body and controls healing. It is important that this system remain healthy in order to start the task of balancing and healing your body.

Yours in health.
Dr. Jason Penaluna
(Chiropractor and owner of Penaluna Chiropracitc Studio, PS)
(For more information visit

Naturopathic Medicine

It is my professional opinion that you should not be trying to “fix” your health concerns by yourself. There are many issues to consider in your case and try to do it alone may make matters worse and complicate the whole picture. I would also advise to keep in mind that there is a difference between your question on “coping” versus the larger question at hand, “healing”. The allopathic MD answer is on how to cope, where the Naturopathic philosophy is to never underestimate the healing potential of your vital force.
Whenever I see a list of health concerns such as these I take a step back and ask, what do all of these have in common? The nervous system and the muscular system are very susceptible to damage from toxicity. The ayurvedic and naturopathic approach are similar in that they both will strive to decrease the patient’s toxic burden. This is done by eliminating toxic build up in the system (via a detox program) and by eliminating toxic exposure (via diet and lifestyle changes). In addition, your symptoms may also be related to nutritional deficiencies; for example: omega-3 fats; minerals such as zinc, selenium, calcium and magnesium; vitamins C,D,E & Bs. These are just a few examples. Finally, it can never be ignored to do a heavy metal screen. Heavy metal toxicity affects all the organ systems of the body, and as mentioned above, some of the most sensitive systems are the nervous and muscular systems.
I would advise against doing your own detox program without supervision. For example, if you mobilize toxins and your organs of elimination are not able to handle this influx, you may become much more ill and induce more serious symptoms. Again I urge you to seek out a naturopathic doctor to get a sense of what options are available to you.

Alexandra Porter, ND
Kerala (Seattle office) 206-729-9999
Northcreek Clinic (Bothell office) 425-485-6059

Although OMM contributors are professional healthcare providers, the information and advice published on is generalized and not intended to replace a thorough evaluation of your unique physical concerns. You should not use this information for diagnosing or treating a medical or health condition. You should consult a physician or applicable practitioner in all matters relating to your health, and particularly in respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. Any action on your part in response to the information provided in this web site is at the reader's discretion.